Qué ofrecer, a Quién y Cómo ofrecerlo. Solución pionera para la optimización comercial y del negocio en los diferentes canales comerciales. SAIL está basado en la Inteligencia Artificial: define qué producto o servicio ofrecer, a quién, y cómo: con qué condiciones, momento, promoción o campaña.

Incorpora un módulo para la Predicción con hasta 60 días de adelanto del abandono de clientes y de productos o servicios por parte de estos clientes.

Permite recopilar información cuantitativa y cualitativa, ajustar los modelos predictivos en tiempo real, obtener resultados y publicar esos resultados hacia los sistemas operacionales actuales de la compañía y sus usuarios cuando estos los necesiten.

Panel de control

Panel de control

SAIL ofrece el acceso a los datos gracias a un panel de control corporativo para los usarios de la compañía. Las funcionalidades disponibles están sujetas al rol al que pertenezca el usuario.

Cálculo del éxito

Cálculo del éxito

Mejore la visión comercial gracias a nuestra solución AOS (Assessment of Opportunities Success). La selección del KPI correcto dependerá de su empresa y de la parte del negocio que desea rastrear. Cada departamento utilizará diferentes tipos de KPI para medir el éxito en función de objetivos y metas comerciales específicas.


Calculating the success of opportunities


For the elaboration of the calculation of the success, the files of sales, products and clients are processed, comparing them with the opportunities generated by artificial intelligence.

A match is considered a success when the product has been sold at the point of sale of the opportunity. A success is when the product sold is in the group of items of opportunity or, if the required detail is of a hierarchical type, below the required level.

A sale is a retained success when it is none of the above cases and corresponds to a strict success of an opportunity from previous months. If that opportunity ceases to be successful retained for three consecutive months, it will stop generating retained successes. In any case, after one year, an opportunity can not generate more retained successes.

The impact on PoS is the net of the three previous months versus the net of the three subsequent months, in the points of sale where it has been successful for the first time.

The expected potential is the net that was estimated to be earned with the opportunities. The potential achieved is what has actually been achieved.


SAIL Channel Impact

Name ColumnDescription
NS Ops..Sum of net sale of all obtained opportunities
NS Ops. Ret.Sum of net sale of all obtained previously
NS SAILSum of net sale of all sales attributable to SAIL
NS TOTALSum of total NS
Ops Impact.Impact of the opportunities obtained on the total
Ret. ImpactImpact of the opportunities obtained previously on the total
Sales ImpactImpact on the channel sales attributed to SAIL on the total


  • The NS Ops. Ret.. is reset to zero 12 months after the opportunity has been obtained.

Impact on Points of Sales

Name ColumnDescription
NS PoS PRESum of the net sale of the three previous months (only new PoS successful)
NS PoS POSTSum of the net sale of the three next months (only new PoS successful)
NS 3 prev. monthsSum of net sale of 3 previous months
NS 3 next monthsSum of net sale of 3 next months
PoS impact beforeImpact of the PoS successful on the total of 3 previous months
PoS impact afterImpact of the PoS successful on the total of 3 next months
GrowthGrowth of the impact on the new PoSs with success


  • You can not take into account the value of the columns NS PoS POST and PoS impact after of the last two months of the table due to the lack of data of the future (we must expect to know the sales of one month and the next two months ).

Opportunities Potential

Name ColumnDescription
Ops. NSSum of the net sale of obtained opportunities
Expected potentialExpected potential of all obtained opportunities
Reached potentialPotential achieved compared to the expected

Obtained opportunities

Name ColumnDescription
AssignedOpportunities assigned to points of sale
VisualizedOpportunities visualized
ObtainedOpportunities obtained
Obtained %Obtained/Visualized
PoSPoS with opportunities
PoS successfulNumber of points of sale with successes
Success PoS% of points of sale with successes



Qué ofrecer, a Quién y Cómo ofrecerlo. Solución pionera para la optimización comercial y del negocio en los diferentes canales comerciales. SAIL está basado en la Inteligencia Artificial: define qué producto o servicio ofrecer, a quién, y cómo: con qué condiciones, momento, promoción o campaña.

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+34 915 211 650
+34 910 547 170


Calle Alcalá, 20
28014 Madrid